Friday, 8 June 2018

Stock Tips Expert: Usha Martin's Upper Circuit Of 20%,

Rudra Investment Stock Tips Expert report says Kolkata-based company Usha Martin has gained a lot of benefits from the Tata Group's discussions. Actually, there have been reports that Tata Steel is in a competition to buy this company. After that, shopping at Usha Martin's Stocks became intensified and on Friday, the stock had an upper circuit of 20%. In the last 3 days, the amount of investor money has increased by 45 percent in this company.

Stocks up 45 percent in 3 days

The stock of the company rose 20 percent to a level of 28.90 rupees. However, at the end of the trading, the trade was limited and the stock closed 13 percent higher at 27.20. The stock closed at 19.95 on June 5, and after trading news of Tata Stahl showing interest in the company, the trading volume in the stock rose tenfold. Along with this, Usha Martin's trading of 92 lakh shares on BSE and NSE has been done. According to the data from both exchanges, there are orders pending for about 8 lakh stocks.

Tata Steel has bid for Rs 6,000 crore

According to Stock Tips Expert, "Tata Steel has bid more than Rs 6,000 crore for the Kolkata-based company. However, according to the data from BSE, Usha Martin's market capitalization is about Rs 880 crore.

Speciality steel maker Usha Martin has a 10 lakh tonne capacity plant in Jamshedpur. Because of rising debt on the group, promoters of Usha Martin are going to sell their steel business.

BSE monetary Clarification

BSE said that the exchange had asked Clarification for this to Usha Martin on June 8. However, no response has been given to BSE by Usha Martin. Usha Martin is a leading integrated multi-speciality steel company and is one of the largest wire rope manufacturers in the country. He has access to many markets in the world.

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